sreda, 30. december 2009


Finally my biggest dream came true, I became an IFBB PRO athlete! Wow!
I'm so happy and proud that I'll have a chance to stand next to the best female bodybuilders on the world!

Have a great holidays and happy celebration of 2010!
Thank you for all your support!

torek, 22. december 2009

Winter Wonderland

While visiting Switzerland I had to take a day off and enjoy the snow in Laax...

četrtek, 17. december 2009


I've just arrived home from US.
Here are some photos, also from lunch with famous Brad Harris and Bill Dobbins. I had a great time!

četrtek, 10. december 2009

Bill Dobbins


greeting from cold NYC, cannot wait to go to sunny California in couple of days.
I will meet famous Bill Dobbins again to make some plans for shootings next year! Cannot wait to get new photos from him!
I think that all the females should work with Bill at least one time in their life; he knows best how to make the excellent picture, highlight the beauty of a woman body.
And after all his images are timeless...

Be sure to check out his website www. and contact him at

sobota, 5. december 2009

Beach party

Here are some pics from Full Moon Beach Party "Winter Wonderland" from Nasimi Beach...yeah, it was great!

ponedeljek, 30. november 2009

Somewhere over the rainbow...

After beautiful 10 years I had to say goodbye to my doggie... The house is quiet and I am so empty and sad... Here are some memories...

četrtek, 19. november 2009

nedelja, 15. november 2009

On the beach

Few pics from relaxing on the beach yesterday...

sreda, 4. november 2009

Addicted to shisha

Just kidding :)
But I'm going to Dubai again, need some sun and beach because yesterday we had the first snow already!

petek, 30. oktober 2009

New start

My cold is almost gone, I'm at home, feeling relaxed... Yes, I've been eating a lot too but now it's time to get back on track. Today I did my second workout and tomorrow I should start dieting too. Have to get more muscles :)

And here are two pics from Robby again...he is just great!

petek, 23. oktober 2009

Finally back home...

with the awful cold :(
Have to rest in bed and drink lots of tea and get well as soon as possible...

The competition season is over and I'm satisfied with my result.
I have finally stepped on the stage of IFBB federation and I'm very proud of that (especially after some people trying to disqualify me from the contest because of competing in other federations).
I was competing on IFBB Worlds Women Championship in Como, Italy and I finished 2nd among 18 competitors in my category, heavy weight bodybuilding. It's the best result in Slovenian history of bodybuilding after all.
Here are some photos for you and you can find much more on the internet. I have to say that photographers were really great and did amazing job!

And also something from after party in georgeous Villa Erba with big celebrities in our sport, Klaudia Larson, Kai Green and Shawn Ray.