sobota, 22. maj 2010

Pumping up

My training is going great, here is a photo from yesterday's workout...

sreda, 19. maj 2010

nedelja, 16. maj 2010


Have to urgently do another update since I've receive complaint from my Turkish fans regarding the same outfit :) So here are few pics from Fibo again...with my favorite car :)


What a wonderful city where East meets West, the bridge between Europe and Asia.
Nice people, good food, waterpipes and so much to see; impressive museums, mosques and bazaars...
And plenty of is day 1

sobota, 1. maj 2010

FIBO 2nd part

Here are few photos from Saturday... I guess I was more attacted to take photos with the new toy from my friend Joeri than muscular guys at expo :)
But it was amazing driving at 300km/h! And what a acceleration! WoW!

And handsome Victor :)