sreda, 29. junij 2011

Trying to keep the shape... I'm waking up early in the morning and enjoy running on the beach...
So I don't feel too guilty when I eat too much good food all day :)

torek, 28. junij 2011

Miami Beach

Finally enjoying the beach...

Simply amazing!!!

ponedeljek, 27. junij 2011

nedelja, 26. junij 2011

Tampa is Over

First I wanna thank you my dearest fans for all the support you are giving me!

I owe you some report from another contest I wanted to win, especially because of beautiful trophy I got last year...but this time I got third.

I was very happy with my shape as it was even better than Toronto, bigger and harder! That's why I love to compete-it's improving my shape :)
And even the bad skin allergy I got few days before the show didn't affect my conditioning.
Lightning on stage was not as good as Toronto but it was much easier to pose and survive all the comparisons :)

The girls were simply amazing and they all came in great shape! WOW, that was a hard line-up and probably one of the toughest competitions I would say!

Will post some "unofficial" photos from us later, stay tunned :)

sobota, 25. junij 2011

Meeting of the athletes in Tampa

The meeting of the athletes was great, we were nicely presented by Tim Gardner and Dave Palumbo was doing the interviews. Wanted to catch more girls on the camera but hopefully I'll do that tomorrow...too much tension today as we all wanna win the show :)

Had a good time chating with Mah-Ann, got a photo with sweet Rosemary Jennings...

And with amazing Yaxeni Oriquen Garcia, Ms Olympia 2005

sreda, 22. junij 2011


Here I am in sunny Tampa, enjoying the hot weather very much! Beside the swimming pool of course :)

Waiting for the Saturday to come... It's going to be a tough fight and a great show as there will be 25 competitors in female bodybuilding! Wow! I like that!

sobota, 18. junij 2011

First show, first win

I won the battle with Canadians :)

Girls were in very good shape at Toronto Pro Supershow and I enjoyed being on stage and back stage with them! Respect to all of you fellow FBB's!

Few unexpected things happen like my bra exploding on stage ;O

And nope, I didn't wanna copy Janet Jackson lol. Luckily as a black belted karate girl I still have very good reflexes and I caught it before people really noticed what's going no points for that, fair play :) Thank you Lyris Cappelle for a quick fix!

At the end I have to bow to Mah Ann Mendoza, the strongest girl out there with amazing spirit and great body! Like Tammy said, Mah Ann deserves the Life Achievement Award!

četrtek, 16. junij 2011

Addicted to Shopping

Today, while buying some groceries, I just couldn't resist to take a walk through shopping district of Toronto! OMG, it's SALE time (and that's always hurting my credit card way too much :)
If I'm feeling blue, hungry, fussy, embittered or whatever shopping always does it for me! Even if I'm 24 hours before stepping on stage nobody can stop me :) It's even more important than food!
I got a great bargains and I have to show you my new summer Valentino shoes!

torek, 14. junij 2011

GoodLife Fitness Toronto

I have to shout a BIG thanks to the GoodLife Fitness in Toronto where I got my free pass for the last few days before the contest! That's really surprising as there is not much gyms around the world where bodybuilders are welcome; not even to mention free training!

It's a huge gym with 4 floors and plenty of good equipment! Oh, I wish I could train heavier now and take advantage of all those machines...

Flight to Toronto

I simply LOVE to fly...

I’m one of these people who really enjoys being in the air; I like the feeling of escape and freedom...

nedelja, 12. junij 2011


I did my last workout for legs yesterday...after big breakfast of course which supplied me with enough energy, lol.
And for all my dearest fans who are supporting me on my way, I had to take few shots just for you :)

sobota, 11. junij 2011

One week to peak

I'm one week out of Toronto Pro and I'm happy with my shape.

I fly away already this Sunday and will do my best to update blog more often; things will get interesting now and I will keep my camera close :)