New Year is coming...

I'll use the best postcard I got this year to wish you happy holidays :) I got it just before Christmas!

My year 2011 was full of amazing achievements and great moments, thank you for sharing it with me dear friends! I hope year 2012 will be filled with magic and dreams and good madness!

Oh, by the way, I put down few of my new year resolutions :)

· Read more
· Start my Master’s degree
· Spend one week in Dubai
· Get better organized and stay organized
· Update my blog and website more often
· Write on FB and Twitter everyday
· Shut up and Listen better
· Drink more water
· Go to the theatre more
· Experiment more with technology
· Be good ambassador of female bodybuilding sport
· Spend more time with my family
· Get more people involved in bodybuilding and participating in competitions
· Buy Loboutins for my Bday

Did you make one?

Thank you for following me through 2011 and let's jump to 2012 now :)

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.
Edith Lovejoy Pierce

nedelja, 25. december 2011

Merry Christmas!

I did plenty of traveling this year and now I finally spent some time with my family and loved ones, enjoyed all day Christmas baking and had plenty of food…what a nice holidays!

And I have great news! I’m competing at Ms. International in Columbus Ohio on March 2nd 2012! I’m sooo excited! There will be amazing line-up and tough fight for the top places! What a great contest is coming up! It will be nice to see all the girls again and dear fans, believe me we are good friends and not having cat fights backstage lol. The best with this sport is that we do our job mostly at home when we train and diet for the last 3 months as hard as we can. We are competing with ourselves, not against others. We have to do the best and everybody has it's own way. We are all unique, we bring you the best we can and we are all champions. The rest is on the judges.

So I’ll do my best to present you my best package in little less than 10 weeks! Wow…maybe I should go to gym now…

sreda, 30. november 2011

Short trip

I was in beautiful Italy for a few days and it was warm sunny weather...perfect to walk around!
I was very impressed by Coloseum and was great to have a guide who explained you all the history around that magnifcent creation! Here are few shots ...

...and one from Milano where I discovered the best paninis on the world :)

ponedeljek, 14. november 2011


I'm doing great! After Ms. O I've moved to the new apartment few steps away from my gym Betnava. It's so convienient and I can do my workout at anytime!

Well, it's time to send the letter of consideration to IFBB and aply for Arnold Classic. I've never competed at Ms. International and I really wish to be on that prestigious stage. After all, I live less than hour away from Arnold's birthplace in Austria, how cool is that :)

Anyway, here a quick shot before leaving to the gym...leg day...I guess it's obvious whose videos I like...

torek, 8. november 2011

torek, 1. november 2011

At the pool in Vegas

As you see I like spending time next to the pool :)
Before Olympia...

And after...

torek, 25. oktober 2011

Vegas after O

I just realized I have tons of photos from my trip to US and as I'm not big fan of FB I'll rather upload them here, only for you my dearest fans :)

So let's start with Vegas best FBB friends, hard to find great girls like them and I feel blessed I have them by my side!

The Olympia Expo next day...with beautiful IFBB PRO figure competitor Bojana Vasiljevic

My trainer and another bunch of good FBB friends...

And two most famous trainers, Charles and Oma :)

nedelja, 9. oktober 2011


Oh, I love the Big Apple! How couldn't I if I love Sex and the City :)

Everything was great here; weather, food, shopping...and my dear fans who follow my blog so I have to post few photos just for you!

Posing on the street ;)

nedelja, 2. oktober 2011

Oxygen Magazine

OMG, I was so excited when Bill told me I'll be the first FBB whose photo will be published in Oxygen magazine!
And here it is, the great shot from last year!

četrtek, 22. september 2011

2011 Olympia Victory Gala Dinner

I enjoyed the tasty food (and rather didn't count how many plates I had) and of course I made a bunch of photos for you!

The Ms. Olympia legends Yaxeni and Dayana and finally another beautiful European girl on Ms. Olympia stage Alina!

Couldn't pass the sweetest Antoinette and Kim with the biggest guns!

Unfortunately couldn't get to Phil Heath but I caught George Farrah and Brandon Curry :)

sreda, 21. september 2011


...going crazy with Mega Margaritas :D

torek, 20. september 2011

Glimpse of Vegas by night

Before I leave one of my favorite cities I wanted to show you few impressive sights here...
This city really never sleeps! I was walking around at 4am and it was still full of people gambling and drinking all night long and I even got the perfect meal (and I'm not talking about fast or junk food!).
Till next year then...