četrtek, 29. julij 2010

Mojave desert

Was shooting with Bill Dobbins in Mojave desert and did plenty of amazing photos... What a beautiful landscape! We started yesterday evening, stayed there overnight and had to get up at 4.30am today to get the best light again. Oh, it was a real adventure, pretty dangerous climbing up on the rocks!

sreda, 28. julij 2010

Shooting with Bill again...

I'm getting the greatest material again, here is just a quick preview...

nedelja, 25. julij 2010

IFBB Europa Battle of Champions 2010


OMG, what a week! Second win in a row, it's hard to express my feelings right now…

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you my joy and tell you about what a blast I had at this contest! And I'm not talking only about throwing colourful frisbees with Europa Pro logo from the stage; girls really had fun, dancing backstage…that was something totally different than you can see in European amateur contests.

Girls, I wanna thank you for being there, competing together and making all the new friendships. The biggest sunshine was of course Debbie, always wearing the biggest smile and full of positive energy, Lisette kept me happy with bag full of sweets, Daniela was there to help me with my earings, and of course Wendy who's been really supportive and my favorite european girl. Oh, and Helen I was sooo happy for her, you don't even know how much she sacrifised just to prepare for a show! And Skadi, Tammy, Cassandra... Congratulations to all of you fighting up there on stage!

It's such an amazing feeling when you really feel that you belong somewhere. As I'm the only fbb in my country I don't get a chance to stick with girls much so to me it was very special event.

I must admit I feel little bad because I took one spot for Olympia away from girls who really work hard and especially Debbie and Nicole are the one who would really deserve to be there. I wish Olympia would be more open to competitors because I love lots of girls around and full stage of muscles!

Anyway, thank you everybody for your support and prayers, I deeply appreciate that.

petek, 23. julij 2010



YESSS! I did it! I won the Tampa Pro show and qualified for Ms Olympia!
I will be standing on Ms O stage exactly on my birthday, Sept 24th and I couldn't imagine any better birthday present ever!!!
I've always been saying that my biggest goal in my life is to just place my foot on the stage of Ms O. That's all I ever wanted and it was only a big dream to me. And now it's here!
Still cannot believe it!

And now I want more, I wanna train harder, diet harder, show what I can do…
It's true that this year I won't have much time to prepare because I didn't even dare to dream I will qualify for the Big stage so I didn't plan my travelling very good. But believe me, I will do my best.
Thank you all for a big support, I couldn't do it without you!

And few pics from great Jeff Binns, taken after the show...

P.S. Keep your fingers crossed, I'm already at another great Pro show in Hartford, prejudging starts tomorrow at 6pm.

četrtek, 15. julij 2010


...I know everybody expecting some new photos but you'll have to wait a little bit more...
I'm already on Florida, staying with very good friend Colette Guimond and waiting for the time to step on stage... I'm satisfied with my shape and now let the judges do their work. Lots of girls are competing here and I'm very proud to have a chance competing with them and creating amazing line up.

četrtek, 8. julij 2010

Just photos...

...not much words just photos...I'm preparing for contest, energy low :)

petek, 2. julij 2010

Photos by Robby Brand

I've received lots of photos from Robby and it's really hard to choose just few. He is simply amazing! Take a look...