ponedeljek, 7. junij 2010

The beach...

Here are the promised photos from past weekend and few words about me…
Some of my fans would like to know somethning about my personality, so I'll include some text too…
Photos are casual but as you've probably noticed, my shape didn't change much since last year. Why? Mostly because I don't wanna go off season...
My motto is not »the bigger the better«…after all, I was inspired by Cory Everson when I've started this beautiful sport. Feminine, graceful muscles, rock hard under smooth and soft skin...yeah, that's more me. I love to dress up, wear high heels and look sexy; you know it can be very frustrating when you wanna buy some fashion clothes and nothing fits you or you look funny in a beautiful dress…
It's not only bb what I do; I love my yoga classes, I enjoy kickboxing, was even considering some belly dancing while I'm in Dubai :) But maybe next time.
Besides that I really love travelling, finding out new places, trying out different cuisines…
With one word, I love my life and try to enjoy everything it can offers to me.

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