petek, 23. julij 2010


YESSS! I did it! I won the Tampa Pro show and qualified for Ms Olympia!
I will be standing on Ms O stage exactly on my birthday, Sept 24th and I couldn't imagine any better birthday present ever!!!
I've always been saying that my biggest goal in my life is to just place my foot on the stage of Ms O. That's all I ever wanted and it was only a big dream to me. And now it's here!
Still cannot believe it!

And now I want more, I wanna train harder, diet harder, show what I can do…
It's true that this year I won't have much time to prepare because I didn't even dare to dream I will qualify for the Big stage so I didn't plan my travelling very good. But believe me, I will do my best.
Thank you all for a big support, I couldn't do it without you!

And few pics from great Jeff Binns, taken after the show...

P.S. Keep your fingers crossed, I'm already at another great Pro show in Hartford, prejudging starts tomorrow at 6pm.

3 komentarji:

  1. Yoo! Proud to know u! Good luck! I knew it from the first time I saw you on stage :D thats ur place >> polly from bg

  2. Zakaj to počneš?

  3. Bodybuilding je zame športna disciplina v kateri tekmujem in bi se rada uvrstila med najboljše tekmovalke v zgodovini tega športa. Kot kaže, sem na dobri poti.
