Finally my biggest dream came true, I became an IFBB PRO athlete! Wow! I'm so happy and proud that I'll have a chance to stand next to the best female bodybuilders on the world!
Have a great holidays and happy celebration of 2010! Thank you for all your support!
12 komentarjev:
Brigita, čestitam za vstop med pro-je in seveda čim več odličnih mest na tekmah....v kar pa pri tebi ne dvomim...
Lepe praznike in veliko sreče v letu 2010..
Lp. Niko
Wonderful Novel,
I'm very happy for You.
Best Wishes for 2010, which is beginning wonderful!!!
Congratulations!!! You really deserve it and I wish you all the best.
Happy new year! x
Cestitke iz Hrvatske za pro-card i puno srece i uspjeha u 2010!!!
Well deserved, well done
Grats @Brigita !!
Greetz FBBFan
O, vau, bravo, čestitam!
Thank you very much for congratulations!
I'm very happy that you are checking out my blog and supporting me!
Congratulation, just keep on doing good work!
Br, Fan from Finland
You were visited with simply magnificent idea
Хвала за занимљиве информације
congratulations brigita the great Champion.
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